Monday, October 4, 2010

Optimum Nutrition Product Reviews

Sale Games : My Fitness Coach 2 Workout and Nutrition by gangsoi7

Exactly what America needs: Pie chart plates that remind you of portion sizes and food groups depending on your nutritional needs. Design is by HAF, and the plates will be produced in Iceland. (Via.)">

  • Learn more about the designers at Daque Design.

Rather than teaching doctors about nutrition, I think we’d be better served by teaching patients that you don’t go to a mechanic for advice on how to design a car, and you don’t go to a car designer to fix your flat tire.

Doctors have always been among the worst sources for information on nutrition and fitness, and the ones who did learn something in school are among the worst. Both fields are evolving rapidly, and a doctor repeating the information he learned 20 years ago will tell you to eat more grains, exercise at a moderate pace, avoid alcohol, etc — all things that newer research have shown to be wrong.

Nutrition and fitness are a form of technology, evolving just as quickly as your computer. Listening to a doctor repeat knowledge he learned in the 1980s is like buying a Commodore 64 when you need to get online.

I fight, so I’m injured a lot, which requires occasional visits to doctors. There is nothing worse than a doctor who tries to follow up a torn tendon with life advice (after the perennial advice of “rest”) that is clearly wrong. His job is to fix me, not coach me on a healthy lifestyle.

If you combine a doctor’s ignorance with most doctors’ learned arrogance, what you get is a recipe for a fountain of wrongness that spews bad knowledge into the society at large. That won’t change with a few courses. But it might if we could just deflate their societal status a little down to what they are: a body version of a car mechanic.

— Boldizar

optimum nutrition
New Optimum Nutrition Items

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